High Quality, Wired or Wireless, Statistics
The Priority System is a complete, automated customer management solution, directing them to issue a ticket at the right time and at the right time. This automated process achieves minimal crowding in front of service points, immediate improvement of customer service time by employees, without complaints and hassle in the work environment.
Priority systems are used in many applications such as Hospitals, Super Markets, Diagnostics, Pharmacies, Customer Service Points, Cooperatives and where there is a need to congress, manage and direct customers to the right places, in order.
Our company having a huge range of Priority Systems and extensive experience in designing and implementing Priority Systems can cover from the smallest to the most demanding applications.
The Priority System consists of the Central System Ticketing System, the keyboards of the servants they serve, the LED panels above each desk. which show the number currently served, and a Home Screen that displays the Total of the numbers served at the counter. System communication can be Wired or Wireless in places where there is no cabling.
It also has Software which is programmed by our company based on the needs of each application and manages the system as well as displays statistics and reports.
+ Secure Encrypted Network, without interference
+ Environment, in Greek, but supported by many languages.
+ services, tailored to needs
the customer's. Eg Transferring a customer from a service point to someone
processing office. Φορά transfer of examination by the secretariat to
medical office etc
+ System Environment at (Logos, Rollers
Messages, Videos and Photos on the Home Screen, Service Names)
+ System Supervision by Administrator and Administration
+ elements in the admin. Average service times
and waiting. Service time separately for each operator
+ Central Change of Names, Add Points,
activation of priority by time or category etc.
+ Saving money by using it
at each service point instead of the controller
Call us at + for information.
Ticket Dispenser
Examplesof Ticket Dispensers
The ticketing system includes a touch screen or button, ticket printer, card reader, wireless or wired connection. The basic operation of the system distributes a ticket to a customer. The ticket printer issues an alphanumeric ticket that can be customized to include a greeting, waiting time, an ad, or other important information.
The ticket is issued based on customer needs. A ticket printer can combine from one to sixteen different services. Customers can then wait in the waiting area until called.
Communicates with the Ticketing System.
Wireless KIT1 (1 Service, 1 Service Point)
Automatic ticketing machine for simple applications like pharmacies, restaurants, cafes etc.
WIFI Priority System
Indicative customer list where we have installed the system NX-QMS.